Altamas Relief and Development Foundation (ARDF)

Mission Statement:

Inspired by the will and determination of the Sudanese People to uphold and protect their noble culture and traditional Sudanese values, motivated by the zeal to realize of peace, justice, democracy: encouraged by the desire of reconciliation culture and creating peaceful integrated communities in Sudan society; we the Sudanese People resident in Canadian, Alberta, hereby promogulate and adopt this Bylaws to reduce suffering of the venerable people in Sudan and outside Sudan.

Article 1: Title, Status and Commencement:

a) This Association shall be called “Altamas Relief & Development Foundation” (ARDF).

b) This Foundation shall provide, Relief and development, promote peace, non-profit making Foundation.

c) This Foundation shall operate through Alberta Province, West and South Kordufan Provinces, and Far Northern Sudan Provinces and the area of Atamas between Sudan and Republic of south Sudan

d) This Bylaws shall be come into effect by the date it passed by the General Assembly.

Article 2: Definitions:

a) The Association shall mean Altamas Relief and Development Foundation abbreviated as (ARDF). Altamas areas is the belt or border between Sudan and republic of South Sudan; it covers the areas of South Darfur, South and west Kordufan and South Blue Nile.

b) Bylaws shall mean Bylaws of Altamas Relief and Development Foundation.

c) General Assembly shall mean the body representing all members of the Foundation.

d) The Board of Directors shall mean the main administrative organ of the foundation based in the station where the seat of the foundation exists.

e) Member shall mean a member of the Foundation as stated in Article ( 4).

f) Impeachment shall mean the procedure through which the Executive Board of the foundation or any member thereof may be removed from the board as required under Article (18.6.a ).

g) Altamas Groups shall mean target communities of Altamas peope in Alberta Province, West and South Kordufan Provinces, North Bahar Al Gazal province, and Far Northern Sudan Provinces

Article 3: VISION:

Altamas Relief and Development Foundation (ARDF) is a non political, non-Governmental, and non-profit Foundation. It registered in Alberta, Canada in November 14, 2023. It aims to develop and provide vital assistant to communities affected by poverty and natural disaster.

Article 4 : Mission : Altamas Relief and Development Foundation Mission is to work with local communities to help them to have access to health , education and clean water. Our service is to touch the roots cause of poverty and to help those been affected by natural disaster to have access to service they need.

Article 5: Objective:

The objectives of the Foundation are:

a) To pro.

b) To protect heritage of the traditions and values of reconciliation and peaceful conflict resolution methods among Altamas Groups communities.

c) To encourage constructive engagement of Altamas people dialogue this will support the peace building and restore the historical peaceful coexistence and living among all Altamas groups.

d) To assist nomads to settle down and create permanent residen

e) To promote social justice values among Altamas Groups.

f) To Improve welfare of Altamas People through socio-economic development, including promotion and modernization of Agriculture, livestock production, saving and credit schemes, capacity building and marketing development

g) To Create International, national and local awareness to support development, progress and peaceful coexisting among Altamas groups through good governance, well-built basic infrastructure, social service (health, education, clean drinking water, emergency distributions of food and shelter).

h) To strive to protect and create awareness about environment protection and human rights issues in Sudan related to environment, peace, Gend

Article 10: Penalties:

1) A member shall, in violations of the principle of the Foundation, be disciplined in accordance with the natural justice principles, and if necessary:

a) Be warned in writing.

b) Be suspended by the Board of Executive for a period that shall not exceed to months, but in case the same member in question continues to do the same violations, he/she shall be dismissed by the Board of Directors within the ratification of the Board of Trustees.

2) Upon dismissal of a member:

a) The decision shall be communicated to him/her in writing explaining the grounds of such action.

b) He/she may appeal against the dismissal decision and the same shall be tabled before the General Assembly for discussion.

c) The Association shall reserve the right to claim any dues from such member.

d) He/she shall have no right to claim any dues or assistance from the Foundation.

Article 11: General Assembly

a) The General Assembly shall consist of all members of the Foundation.

b) The General Assembly shall be the supreme authority of the Foundation.

Article 12: Function of the General Assembly:

The General Assembly shall have power to:

a) Elect and impeach the Board of Directors of the Foundation or a member thereof.

b) Consider reports of the Board of Directors.

c) Ratify, amend and pass the constitution.

d) Call for a General Assembly meeting if one third of its members so desire.

Article 13: Board of Directors:

a. Board of Directors shall include seven (7) members elected by the General Assembly for a term of two years.

b. The Board of Directors shall consist of: president, vice-president, secretary, treasurer, director of women, youth and social programs.

c. Board of directors shall have the power to create additional offices and special committees for special purposes

Article 14: The Board of Directors shall:

Execute the programs of the Foundation as directed by the General Assembly.

a) Form specialized committees on various aspects connected with the programs of the Foundation.

b) Conduct or recommend and encour

Article 15: Function of the President:

The President shall;

a) Act as the official representative of the Foundation

b) Call and preside over all Executive and general Assembly meetings of the Association as the case may be.

c) Endorse all the official correspondences of the Foundation.

d) Prepare proposals for funding from government agencies or relevant foundations.

e) Be one of the signatories in all-financial transactions of the Foundation.

f) Insure that all associate directors fulfilling their duties as mandated by the constitution.

Article 16: Function of Vice President:

The Vice President shall:

a) Be the acting president in case of absence of the president or where the president is incapacitated.

b) Be the first line to response to complain or concerns of the members.

c) In consultation with the president, follow up the work of any committee formed by Board of Executives.

Article 17: Functions of Secretary:

17.1 Prepares and preserves the minutes of all meetings of the Foundation

17.2 Keeps the seal of the Foundation

17.3 Keeps the registry of the members of the Foundation

17.4 Prepares and sends notices of the meetings of the Foundation

17.6 Keeps and preserves correspondence and records of the foundation

Article 18: Functions of the Treasurer:

18.1 Prepares financial statement of the Foundation

18.2 Supervises spending money, including signing cheques

18.3 Presents the financial reports of the Foundation to board of directors and annual meeting.

18.4 Organizes Fund raising, donations, and other legal schemes to boost the finances of the Foundation

18.5 Furnish details quarterly of financial reports to the General Assembly to ensure transparency.

19. Executive Director:

The Board of Directors is responsible for overseeing the hiring and performance of an Executive Director to carry out the assigned duties. The Executive Director reports to and responsible an advisor to the Board and to all Board committees. The Executive Director does not vote at any meeting. The Executive Directors acts as the administrative officer of the Board in:

a) Hiring. supervising, evaluating and releasing all other paid staff

b) Planning programs and service based on the Board’s priorities

c) Interpreting and applying the Board’s policies

d) Keeping the Board informed about the affairs of the Foundation

e) Carry out duties assigned by the Board.

Article 20: Sources of Income to the Foundation:

The Sources of Income to the foundation shall compose of the following:

20.1 Monthly subscriptions on other dues from the members

20.2 Fund raising and other income generating programs as may be designed by the Treasurer of the Association

20.3 Grants from the government of Canada, government of Alberta, and other charitable organizations

20.4 Donations from the member (s) of the foundation and persons of good will

Article 21: Meetings

21.1 The General Assembly’s meetings shall be of two kinds:

a. Annual General Assembly meeting which shall be convened by the Board of Directors to consider the annual report. The information of such meeting shall reach the members before at least two weeks

b. An extra ordinary meeting which shall be convened by Board of Directors to respond to any situation that may require urgent meeting

21.2 Quorum of every General Assembly shall be by two-third (2/3) of the majority of the total members of the foundation

21.3 Decisions in all meetings of the foundation be by simple majority (50+1) of the total number of members present at voting

21.4 In case of a tie, the chairperson of the meeting shall have a casting vote

21.5 The official languages of the meetings shall be English and Arabic

21.6 The general Assembly shall have the power to call for General Assembly meeting by collecting signatures of two-third (2/3) of the total members of the foundation for purpose of  either:

a. Moving a vote of non-confidence to impeach either whole Board of Directors or a member thereof for violating this Bylaw or inability to perform duties

b. OR dealing with an emer

Article 22: Election of the Foundation:

The election of the Foundation shall be secret ballots to elect seven (7) persons to the Board of directors.

Article 23: Amendment of this Bylaw:

Proceedings to amend this Bylaw shall be commenced if:

a. The General Assembly’s members, by collecting two-third (2/3) signatures of members of the Foundation, so desire

b. A proposal from two-third (2/3) of members of Board of Directors approved by two-third (2/3) of members of the General Assembly.

Article 23: Auditors

The members shall each annual meeting (AGM) appoint an External accredited auditor to audit the accounts of the Foundation within three (3) month of the end of the fiscal year and be approved by the membership. The appointed auditors shall hold office until the next AGM. Remuneration for the auditors shall be negotiated by the Board of Directors.

Article 24: Inspecting Books and Records

Upon one month’s written notice any member or members shall have the right to examine the books and records of the Foundation at the location where the books are kept.

Article 25: Signature and Certification of Documents

All contracts, documents or any other instrument in writing requiring the signature of the Foundation shall be signed by any two of the following: Executive Director, Chairperson, Treasurer or Vice Chairperson. Any cheques shall be signed by any two of the above. However, the Board of Directors may by resolution appoint other senior staff or any member of the Board of Directors to sign cheques and contracts for operation already approved by the Executive committee or Board of Directors.

Article 26: Head Office

The head office of the Foundation shall be located in the province of Alberta , Canada, at the place therein where the business of the Foundation may effectively be conducted.

The by-laws were passed at the meeting of Altamas Relief and Development Foundation General Assembly on --------------------------------------

Relief, education, providing clean water and empowering our future